Dear Parents and Carers,
Things are progressing rapidly across the UK and Government guidance changes daily. It is our aim to minimise the risk to children, staff and our communities. In order to achieve this, we have already taken preventative actions such as increased frequency and effectiveness of handwashing, keeping everyone updated with the signs and symptoms, as well signposting to the DfE Website and 111 helpline for advice.
The latest advice from the government is that schools remain open. However, if anyone in a family is showing symptoms of the coronavirus, the whole family should self-isolate by remaining at home for 14 days. This applies to children and adults alike. Symptoms are described as:
- a ‘new, continuous’ cough and/or
- high temperature
Further measures that we are putting into place is to cancel or rearrange any non-essential meetings/events. This will help to minimise the risk of infection being passed between groups of individuals.
Please drop off and collect your child from the front entrance and we ask parents not to enter the school building. The children will then wash their hands before taking part in the day’s learning. For now, staff continue to remind children about good hygiene, whilst helping them to remain calm about the situation.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Phil Whittley
Executive Headteacher