If you would like your child to come to join our school, we encourage you to come along and have a look around and meet our staff and pupils. We hold open days once per term, please contact the school office for confirmation of these dates. Children generally join us at the beginning of their school journey in Reception (Foundation/Early Years, but we also warmly welcome in year application too.
In order to apply for a place for your child, you will need to apply online by following this link-
If we have places available to offer in your childs year group, we would encourage them to come for a taster day before they start with us. If we are oversubscribed and cannot accept your child, we will be able to recommend another local primary within our federation.
All schools have a limited number of places they can offer in Reception for new children joining the school – this is called the Published Admission Number (or PAN). For us, this has been set at 7. If we receive fewer applications than the number of places available, then places can be offered to everyone who wants one. Only where we are over-subscribed with more applications for places than we have available, do we work with Devon using the over-subscription criteria in the admissions policy for the academic year. They are a part of our admission arrangements which will be determined annually after a public consultation, see the Devon County Council website for more details on admission arrangements.
In order to apply for a place for your child, you will need to apply online by following this link-
If we have places available to offer in your childs year group, we would encourage them to come for a taster day before they start with us. If we are oversubscribed and cannot accept your child, we will be able to recommend another local primary within our federation.
All schools have a limited number of places they can offer in Reception for new children joining the school – this is called the Published Admission Number (or PAN). For us, this has been set at 7. If we receive fewer applications than the number of places available, then places can be offered to everyone who wants one. Only where we are over-subscribed with more applications for places than we have available, do we work with Devon using the over-subscription criteria in the admissions policy for the academic year. They are a part of our admission arrangements which will be determined annually after a public consultation, see the Devon County Council website for more details on admission arrangements.
Further information regarding the over-subscription criteria can be found using the links shown below. There are no selection tests and students of all talents and abilities are welcome, providing we can accommodate their needs.
“The First Step” booklet explains the admission arrangements for infant and primary schools and is published by Devon County Council. It is available online and in paper format from The School Admissions Team, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX4 2QG. Devon’s education helpline is 0845 155 1019. Further information and information leaflets are available online
“The First Step” booklet explains the admission arrangements for infant and primary schools and is published by Devon County Council. It is available online and in paper format from The School Admissions Team, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX4 2QG. Devon’s education helpline is 0845 155 1019. Further information and information leaflets are available online
School Admissions Online
You can apply from home 24 hours a day, seven days a week for a place in our new Reception intake – it’s quick and easy to use and there is no risk that your application will be lost in the post. You can apply for an Infant or Primary School place by clicking on the button below from 7 November to 15 January. At other times, you can apply on a paper version of the form – for Devon children that is the D-CAF1.
In-Year Admissions
A number of our children join the school after the beginning of the Reception year as a result of transferring schools or moving into the area. Parents of such children are encouraged to make an appointment in advance if possible to visit the school. Parents must then apply on a Devon common application form. The same criteria will be used if we need to prioritise applications for a place at the school outside of the normal Reception admissions round.
The designated area or catchment area map for our school can be found on the link below
The designated area or catchment area map for our school can be found on the link below